About Patrick: Patrick Adams, acclaimed author of the Shingo Award-winning book “Avoiding the Continuous Appearance Trap,” is a globally recognized leadership coach, consultant, and inspirational speaker. Renowned for his human-centric approach to team...
In this episode, Steve Johnson and I discuss training paths and employee tools when it comes to the robust training program. What You’ll Learn: Why did you start a training program for technicians? What does the training path look like for a technician? Does an...
In this episode, Mark Deluzio and I discuss the Danaher business system, as well as the art of Lean Transformation. What You’ll Learn: Why do Lean Transformations fail? Could you explain the importance of having a business strategy and the ability to...
In this episode, Bob Emiliani and I discuss the problem of classical management. What You’ll Learn: What is classical management? You put together an A3 and challenged lean practitioners. Can you tell our listeners what is an A3? What were the root cause...
In this episode, Sam Morgan and I discuss his personal journey into launching his coaching business to include his personal use of kata to make it happen. We discuss the use of kata for both business and personal applications. How did you get to the point...